The Walls at Record Town... Ornette Coleman

Happy Birthday Ornette Coleman!
Born March 9, 1930, Forth Worth saxophonist Ornette Coleman's pioneering "free jazz" style won him a Lifetime Achievement Grammy in 2007. Ornette graduated from Fort Worth's I. M. Terrell High School in 1948 and blew minds with a series of albums - Something Else (1958), The Shape of Jazz to Come (1959), Change of the Century (1960), and Free Jazz (1961). The Caravan of Dreams opened in 1983 in celebration Ornette Coleman and the musical legacy of Fort Worth.

Ornette Coleman and Bern Nix perform at Caravan of Dreams. See their photo on Walls at Record Town.
This photo of Ornette and his longtime guitarist Bern Nix was taken at the Caravan of Dreams and is among several on the walls of Record Town honoring Ornette Coleman and his brilliance. We are very proud of our rich musical history at Fort Worth and love showcasing the unbelievable talent from our city on our walls. Come in and check it out for yourself - we think you will be stunned by all the talent Fort Worth has produced!
Interested in more information on Ornette Coleman and the many music greats produced from the same Fort Worth High School I.M. Terrell? Then this article is a must read! It is unbelievable the number of jazz superstars that all sprang from the same local music program that didn't even promote jazz! Read on for more! Related article by Michael Corcoran.
Music Sample and Video
While you are at Record Town taking in all the Fort Worth music history pictured on the walls, you can pick up your own copy of Ornette Coleman's music! Record Town is the place for jazz. Our founder, Sumter Bruton II was a jazz drummer in the 50's. He shared his love of jazz with his customers and Record Town's collection of new and new jazz titles just kept growing. We can help you choose essentials as well as learn about jazz music nuances. We are not "just jazz" but we are a whole lotta jazz, that's for sure!
Not able to visit us in person? No worries! We have curated a collection you are sure to enjoy! Check out our in-stock titles of Ornette Coleman here: The Ornette Coleman Collection
Want more jazz? We've got you covered! Check out our extensive new and vintage collection of jazz - All That Jazz Still can't find what you are looking for? Just drop us a message or email and we will do our best to locate that special title for you.